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Christof Hirth

Favourite technical construction: ISS
Idol: Alexander von Humboldt
Legendary moment: Moon Landing

Christoph Erbelding

Favourite technical construction: The lightweight aluminum frameworks of the early Zeppelin airships. No computers at the time!
Idol: Antonio Gaudi
Legendary moment: Winning the America’s Cup in San Francisco 2013 after being 1:8 down.

Leopold Fricke

Favourite technical construction: Walkman
Idol: Björn Daehli
Legendary sporting moment: Medal Race 49er Beijing 2008

Thomas Hahn

Favourite technical construction: Saturn V
Idol: Orazio Satta Puliga
Legendary moment: Starting my own rebuild 356 Engine for the first time

Tim Jäger

Sports Idol: Jan Frodeno
Favourite technical construction: Bicycle
Legendary moment: First gold medal at the track bike WM 2020 in Berlin, with the sprint handlebars developed in my master thesis.

Dominik Bertram

Sports Idol: Florian Neuschwander
Legendary sporting moment: 4x100m women relay final EC 2022 in the Olympic Stadium
Favourite technical construction: Noor Power Station, Ouarzazate
Idol: Carlo Pedersoli


Idol: Ernesto Valente
Favourite Coffee Bean: Hagen Espresso Originale
Legendary moment: Every Morning