Based on an excellence overall understanding of mechanical systems we generate innovative solutions for lightweight applications.
"Engineering is our passion - Lightweight design is our strength - simulation is our tool."
It is our belief to perform best in small, multidisciplinary teams within flat structures and with excellent engineers. This allows us to reduce overhead and perform agile when decision time calls for fundamental design decisions quickly. With our careful chosen tools and network partners we easily outperform larger groups in every phase of a project - feasibility checks, conceptual design, prototyping or series development.
we have worked on numerous projects in various industries. In leading positions we had
formative influence on the products we designed.
We generate solutions in the field of lightweight engineering and are exploring the limits of feasibility. We are taking into account that today for composite solution the possibilities in manufacturing of a component influences the final product often more than the wishes of the designer.
With a great range of different projects and challenges, we are proud to show some of our milestones here.
Bieker Moth
iXent Sports
Chasing Runner Performance